I finished write AuMAPI (Game Specification) on IBM PC !!! It was tested on:
- DOS, Win98 & shit-WinXP
- HardWare:
1st computer: AMD Duron @750 MHz, Riva TNT2 M64, ISA Sound Card "Crystal CS4236" (DOS, Win98, natural hardware)
2nd computer: Intel Pentium IV @2.7 GHz, GeForce FX5200, PCI Sound Card "CMI8738" (WinXP, VDMSound v2.0.4)
Successfully working!!!
See file "AuMAPI (rev.2).txt" in attached archive for more details...
8bit.exe - PPU 8 bit Color Graphics (Sprites simplify converted from 16 bit, see pure)
Conversion - sux!
You must change use 8 or 16 bit BEFORE (not AFTER!!!) writing Application - to avoid Conversion)
16bit.exe - PPU 16 bit Color Graphics (Looks nicely)
Esc - exit
Arrow Keys - u/d/l/r
Ctrl - Stop Sound Blaster playing
Alt - Continue Sound Blaster playing
Space - ReStart Sound Blaster playing
Next Level - writing Level Map Editor on Borland Delphi 3
Standard Map Editors - shit - they are biggest, non-comfortable, non-adaptable for my ideas...
And generates "undocumented" formats of map-files